Saturday, September 30, 2006

Why does Srinagar erupt in anger everytime a terrorist is convicted? That's d questn on most minds right now. The truth is,the real partisan muslims are the Hurriyat, and not, not Kashmiris. But we, Indians, r digging a grave 4 ourselves in Kashmir by doing exactly what we shouldn't- hang people indiscriminately and thus unwillingly make heroes out of them. This is exactly what the British did to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru n Sukhdev, bcos they thought of them as terrorists, n look what they r 2day 2 us. The latter were just 4 doing what they did, but we've gotta do smthing more tactful with the terrorists that d Hurriyat fights 4. No appeasement, just shrewd game.

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